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European Robotics Week

Europeans Robotics Week
  • -
  • Multiple locations in Europe

  • Belgium
  • Exhibition
  • The European Robotics Week is a robotics event that will feature a variety of robotics-related activities throughout Europe for the general public from November 24th to 30th, 2014

    It will particularly focus on the importance and role of robotics in various application areas. The main goal of the Week is to inspire technology education in students of different ages in order to promote careers in STEM-related areas, including science, math, technology as well as engineering.

    The European Robotics Week also involves school visits having lectures on robotics, special tours for pupils, open laboratories, challenges, exhibitions, active robots on public squares, etc.

    Companies, educational institutions as well as research centers participating in this week organize interesting programs to promote their organizations and robots to the general public. An important goal of this week is to educate the public about the role of robotics in society.

    The various events are organized by local research facilities, scientists, educational institutions and anyone involved in the development of robotics.

    With euRobotics AISBL as the central coordinator, the different events are also supported through national coordinators who are constantly promoting the idea among their national communities as well as networks.

  • Visit official website
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