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ICSR 2015

ICSR 2015
  • -
  • Paris
  • Conference
  • The 7th annual International Conference on Social Robotics will be held in Paris, France, from October 26-30, 2105.

    This conference focuses on the interaction that humans have with robots, along with efforts to integrate robotics into society. Practitioners and researchers come together at ISCR to report and discuss new innovations and progress within the social robotics field.

    For 2015, the ISCR theme will be Individual Differences. There are many topics within this theme that will be explored at ISCR 2015, including robot ethics within a human society, medical robots, adaptive robots that can work with multiple users and cognitive and affective sciences for robots that are socially interactive.

    There will be five main components to ISCR 2015:

    • Paper Sessions
    • Special Session
    • Workshops
    • Competition
    • Keynote Speakers

    Paper Sessions

    Some of the most intriguing papers that have been submitted to ISCR 2015’s committee will be read and discussed during the paper sessions.

    Special Session

    The content of this session has not yet been announced.


    Workshops will be held during ISCR 2015 that fit into the theme of the conference. Specific workshops have not yet been announced.


    There will be a competition for attendees within the field of social robotics. The details of this competition have not yet been announced.

    Keynote Speakers

    Three keynote speakers will give presentations during ISCR 2015: Professor Wendy Ju, Professor Jacqueline Nadel and Professor Gordon Cheng.


    ISCR 2015 is being organized by an international committee of people who work in the field of robotics. The main sponsor and publisher of ISCR 2015 is Springer.

    The 2015 ISCR will take place October 26-30, 2015, in Paris, France. The venue will be announced soon.

  • Visit official website
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