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Robocon 2014
  • -
  • MIT Academy Of Engineering
  • Pune, Maharashtra
  • Competition
  • Robocon India is the latest in a series of international robotics competitions sponsored and organized by the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU). This event has taken place in many different countries, including Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan.

    This year it will be held in Pune, India on August 24th.

    The goal of the contest is to inspire innovation and improve young engineers’ creative thinking skills.

    Each year, the competition centers on a particular theme. Previous themes include “The Green Planet”, “In Pursuit of Peace and Prosperity”, and “Robo-Pharaohs Build Pyramids”. The 2014 theme is “A Salute to Parenthood”.

    For the “Parenthood” challenge, 2 teams are to design and program a Parent robot and a Child robot for a simulated park environment. The Parent robot must carry the Child robot to the play area of the park and assist the Child robot in 3 activities: seesaw, pole walk, and swing.

    Once those 3 activities have been completed, the teams can move their Parent and Child robot from the play area to the middle of the park to complete the 4th and final activity. Whichever team completes the 4th activity first wins the game. 

  • Visit official website
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