About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Switzerland
  • Company
  • Robotics Developer


  • BlueBotics is a company from Switzerland with the aim to become the world leader in autonomous navigation. They are developing methods to enable vehicles to move on their own without human interference. An automatically navigated vehicle for the industrial market is the ultimate goal for this company. They started with a feasibility study to check if the work that lay ahead could be done within a certain cost picture.

    The process was discussed, along with the organization and technical requirements. At the end, this was weighed against a cost evaluation. If this study shows positive results, BlueBotics will decide to construct a prototype, again keeping in mind competitive pricing. From there on, the actual products could be made. BlueBotics mentions that ‘it is one thing to build a robot, controlling them is another.’ For this reason, they have developed ANT, Autonomous Navigation Technology that does just that.

    This system uses the environment to localize itself and is developed in a way that it recognizes obstacles or emergency situations, and will avoid these. The benefits of this ANT system is that it is easy to install, it has low infrastructure and maintenance costs, it is completely wireless in use and completely automated (with manual possibilities). ANT is mostly used in the warehouse sector, automatically loading trucks or docking pallets. Using this technology can make your Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) work like Swiss clockwork.

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