About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Netherlands
  • Organisation


  • TNO serves as the Dutch organization for applied science research. Over the last couple of years, the structure of the company has changed dramatically. Before 2011, the company was subdivided into 5 divisions. And one of these divisions was ICT – Information and Communication Technology. Before the reorganization, this knowledge institute served as the largest ICT center in Europe.

    TNO invests in many national and international projects in different technological fields. Robotics is beginning to have an increasingly strong foothold in the world of technology, which also means that the amount of projects related to robotics is also growing. And, one such project is Project Rose.

    TNO works on Project Rose together with several other Dutch tech companies and the Technological University of Twente. Project Rose can turn out to be very important for the Netherlands. A large part of the country lies below sea level and the aim of this project is to develop and produce robots with sensor technology for checking the quality of dikes that keep the water on the good side. The idea is to develop a land type robot as well as an air and water type robot.

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