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Autom™ Series : Autom™ (prototype)

Picture ofAutom™ Series : Autom™ (prototype) Picture: MIT Media Lab
  • Released:
  • 2007
  • AutomTM (prototype) is a robotic piece developed by Cory Kidd of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Media Lab. Cory Kidd, who studied human-robot interaction with special attention on psychological aspect, designed prototype Autom which can efficiently interact with humans. In response to obese people’s growing needs, the social-robot was created to specially address this concern.

    Usually, the prototype Autom starts with questions about weight, caloric intake, exercise routines and other stuffs that affect your weight. With the attached LCD on its chest, Autom can show the progress of weight loss regimen and has camera placed in its eyes allowing it to maintain eye-contact. Autom records and keeps track of your time spent in exercise and types of food you eat on every meal. This diet robot coach helps to save a lot of time on fight for a healthier body.


    • LCD display enables to see and keep track of calorie intake and output
    • Built-in camera in its eyes keep eye contact during human-robot interaction
    • Pedometer placed in a shoe keeps track of exercise frequency and duration
    • Does regular weight recording with its wireless-enabled bathroom scale
    • Users can carry a PDA-based form that can be filled up with the types of food they eat regularly
    • Bluetooth and 802.11 wireless to connect with its devices all the time



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