About robots, robot development
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Picture of Mujiro Picture: TMSUK
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Humanoid
  • Released:
  • 2005
  • Mujiro

    Are you looking for a state-of-the-art security guard? Mujiro Rigurio is the answer to your security needs. It is manufactured by Japan’s Tmsuk Co. Ltd. In 2005, it debuted in an Aichi EXPO, where it worked extensively for 185 days. It has a cloak-like body that opens to reveal hidden arms, with 7 DOF in each. The arms are used to pick up and dispose of possibly hazardous materials such as bombs. Mujiro is equipped with a highly precise GPS system, an object-sensitive sensor, image recognition functions, and a wall-penetrating human detector.



    • Ability to identify strangers up to 30 miles away
    • Has a margin of error of just a few centimeters
    • Concealed seven jointed hands



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