About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


Picture of Roborior Picture: TMSUK
  • Released:
  • 2004
  • Made by robotics company Tmsuk in 2004 and marketed by Sanyo in late 2005, Roborior is a consumer robot that offers helpful home uses such as lighting and home guarding. It is about the size of a watermelon and emits hues of blue, purple, and orange. This color feature allows it to perfectly harmonize with the interior colors of the house or the particular room it is placed in.

    Roborior can function like a CCTV. It has a digital camera that allows it to directly stream videos from the house to the mobile phone of its owner. This ability is very useful for detecting intruders and other unauthorized access to the user’s home or property.

    Serving the functions of both a robot and interior decoration, the Roborior can be controlled by its user with a remote control. According to its creators, Roborior was patterned after the jellyfishes that communicate by their light emissions.


    • Digital camera for capturing video and images
    • Infrared sensors for detecting movements, particularly break-ins
    • Set to call owner’s cell phone to notify about intrusions and send live video of disturbances




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