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Picture of U-Tsu-Shi-O-Mi Picture: Robot Watch
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Humanoid
  • Released:
  • 2007
  • Yokohama National University’s Michiko Shoji created a mixed reality setup called U-Tsu-Shi-O-Mi. It does not have any hardware features and can only be viewed through a special head mounted display.

    The U-Tsu-Shi-O-Mi is a system that uses computer animation that can be viewed using a special headset. It was originally created as a tool for improving virtual reality simulations. Here a virtual 3D image moves in synchronization with the robot’s movement.  This is plotted onto a green cloth skin, which acts as a green screen.

    The headset, which is equipped with sensors, tracks the angle and point of the viewer’s head, and adjusts the angle at which the image is being shown. The effect is an interactive virtual 3D character that has a physical body that a viewer can reach out and touch.

    U-Tsu-Shi-O-Mi Features:

    • Green cloth skin
    • LCD Screen
    • Force detecting sensors
    • Head-mounted display
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