About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


Picture of ZACSEN-I Robot Picture: AZoRobotics
  • Type, Locomotion:
  • Wheeled
  • Released:
  • 2007
  • dASAROBOT’s ZACSEN-I Robot is Korea’s first building cleaning robot ever developed. This robot was developed as part of Korea’s Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy’s Research and Development project.

    The ZACSEN-I robot is a smart and convenient cleaning machine that moves autonomously on the floor of the buildings and removes the dirt from the floor automatically. This Korean robot is equipped with a recognition module allowing it to detect its current location and move autonomously.

    It can also find its way to its recharging station once it senses that its power is low. An operator can also guide it to the station when deemed necessary.

    Standing at 160 cm and weighing 250 Kg, this Korean cleaning robot can travel at 0.5m/sec and can filter up to 50 litres of dirt with an inhalation power of 600 watts. Additionally, it can avoid any obstacles and backs off when it hits a wall.

    ZACSEN-I Robot Features:

    • Motion recognition
    • Can recognize its location
    • Can work autonomously
    • Can be operated manually




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