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da Vinci Surgical System Series : da Vinci Surgical System

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  • Making use of the latest technology, the da Vinci Surgical System allows surgeons to perform complex and delicate operations through a small number of tiny incisions with increased precision, vision, control and dexterity. The da Vinci Surgical System has a number of key components, including: a console that is ergonomically designed to help the surgeon sit while operating, a patient-side cart for the patient to lay during surgery, an HD 3D vision system, proprietary EndoWrist® instruments and four interactive robotic arms.

    da Vinci uses advanced robotic technology that enables hand movements of the surgeon to be filtered, scaled and translated into real-time, precise movements of surgical instruments. The patient-side cart includes robotic arms that perform the surgeons’ commands, improving the cosmetic outcome, reducing trauma and increasing the overall precision.

    The da Vinci Surgical System also includes proprietary EndoWrist® instruments that are designed with a range of motion greater than the wrist of any human. Every instrument has a surgical goal such as suturing, tissue manipulation and clamping. Moreover, the vision system of the da Vinci Surgical System has an HD, 3D endoscope and image processing equipment, which offers true-to-life images for improved understanding of the patient’s anatomy.

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