About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

ARE 13

ARE 13
  • -
  • UCD School of Computer Science and Informatics
  • Dublin
  • Other
  • The 2nd International Workshop on Adaptive Robotic Ecologies (ARE’13) is part of the AmI 2013: 4th International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI), which is scheduled to be held December 3-5, 2013 in Dublin, Ireland.

    During this conference, Robotic Ecologies will be the main topic. Robotic Ecologies can be described as networks of diverse robotic devices widely embedded in everyday environments, where they collaborate in applications like Ambient Assisted Living. Furthermore, the organizers of Robotic Ecologies, aim to bring together advanced contributions which detail solutions that would allow Robotic Ecologies to be self-learning, -configuring, and -adapting. These three functions, allow them to increase their adaptability, while simultaneously reducing the amount of preparation and pre-programming needed for when they are released into the real world.

    At the workshop, topics like, building smart environments from multiple robotic devices, are an example of the type of application that could be considered and reviewed. The building of these smart environments, could potentially reduce the individual complexity of the robotic devices, while at the same time, enhance the individual values specific to the devices involved by allowing new functions that cannot be performed by any device on their own. Also included in this conference/workshop are the following topics:

    • Algorithms and Theories for Cooperation and Configuration in Robotic Ecologies
    • Evaluation of Adaptive Robotic Ecologies
    • Learning Methods to Adapt to Changes in the Environment and in User Needs
    • Self-configuration Supporting Open, heterogeneous and Computationally Constrained Systems
    • Adaption for People-centric Robotic Ecologies
    • Personalization and User Interaction
    • Concrete Examples of Adaptive Robot ecologies to AmI applications
    • Software engineering and Integration Issues
    • Current Efforts in the Standardization of Interfaces for Integration into AmI Environments of Commercial Devices like Sensors, Actuators and Home Appliances.

    This conference is being organized by RUBICON Project, which is funded by the European Framework Programme.

  • Visit official website
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