About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • -
  • Slovak University of Technology
  • Bratislava
  • Competition
  • The Istrobot competition is Central Europe’s oldest robotic competition. This year, the 15th annual international robotic competition will be held at the Slovak University of Technology and will have the following robot competitions:

    Linefollower robots
    in this competition the students will have to construct an autonomous robot that will complete the racing track and overcome its obstacles. This year, the competitors will have to make their robot return from the end of the track back to the beginning.

    students must construct a robot that can autonomously solve a maze in the shortest time possible.

    Ketchup house
    In this competition 2 robots must compete to localize and sort ketchup cans in a storage area. 

    Freestyle competition
    to demonstrate their robotics creations which do not fit into other categories

    The robotic event will be held at the Slovak University of Technology on April 26, 2014.


  • Visit official website
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