About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Autonomous System Lab (ASL)

Autonomous System Lab (ASL)
  • Switzerland
  • Laboratory
  • Robotics Developer


  • Founded in 1996, the Autonomous Systems Lab is associated with the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems in Zurich, Switzerland. The lab aims at helping the institute achieve its goal of creating robots and intelligent systems that are capable of operating autonomously in complex and unstructured environments.In fact, the institute is taking part in various research projects, which are divided into multiple categories such as Flying Robots, Swimming Robots and Service Robots. In the Flying Robots section, there are thirteen different robotic projects, under which is the Dutch project, AIRobots. The idea of this project is to design and develop aerial service robots that can be controlled with haptic feedback for inspecting remote areas. With low weight as well as low fuel consumption, the robots will have a simple and user-friendly design so that potential clients can adapt it to their own needs.

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