About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

The Center for Research on Automated Systems (CASY)

The Center for Research on Automated Systems (CASY)
  • Italy
  • Institute


  • The Center for Research on Automated Systems (CASY) aims at exploring basic theoretical problems in the advanced design for control of complicated dynamical systems, particularly internal-model-based adaptation, self-reconfiguring and fault-tolerant control systems with application to advanced automotive control, autonomous guidance, and robots and controlled mechanical systems.

    CASY serves as a forum for engineers and scientists and for research labs, and academia industry, to share knowledge regarding the latest research in control of complex dynamical systems and to recognize emerging applications. The research center has partners all over the globe and works along a number of research facilities or universities to assist in the development of their projects.

    Presently, CASY is involved in a Dutch robotics project called Airobots, which aims at building flying service robots. Airobots will be capable of performing inspections in the air and at inhospitable territory, which might not be safe for direct human inspection. These robots will be controlled by people making use of haptic devices, which means that the an airobot operator will get visual as well as force feedback from the robot, making it easier to control and safer to fly with.

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