About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • United States
  • Organisation
  • Robotics Developer


  • Being a dynamic mix of university researchers and responders, CRASAR is a Texas-based A&M Engineering Experiment Station Center. CRASAR has a mission to improve disaster prevention, preparedness, response, as well as recovery by developing and adopting robots and related technologies. It aims at creating a worldwide “community of practice” for rescue robots that supports technology transfer, motivates fundamental research, and educates response professionals, students, and the general public.

    Having participated in fifteen of the thirty five documented deployments of worldwide disaster robots, CRASAR has formally analyzed nine others, offering a complete archive of rescue robots in practice. The funding agencies and industry partners of CRASAR provide a number of small land, air and sea robots through the Roboticists at no charge, which can be used by the responders.

    CRASAR helps sponsor and organize conferences like the annual IEEE Safety Security Rescue Robotics conference and various workshops like the Rescue Robots NSF-JST-NIST Workshop. CRASAR’s mission is to serve present rescue organizations by offering deployable robot-assisted rescue and search teams while educating the public and promoting research into SAR-specific robot systems.

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