About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Emory U.

Emory U.
  • United States
  • University
  • Robotics Developer


  • Serving as a private research university in metropolitan Atlanta, USA, the Emory University is one of America’s premier universities engaged in technology and robotics. The institution was founded in 1836 by a small group of Methodists and was named after John Emory, a bishop of the Methodist. In 1915, the institution moved from Oxford, Georgia to Atlanta through the land grant of the then president of Coca-Cola Company, Asa Chandler, and was chartered as the Emory University.

    Today, the university has more than 3,000 faculties with over 14,000 students getting instruction in its various Colleges and Schools. The school also has various laboratories, research facilities and centers that aim at empowering students with essential knowledge, skills and resources. In addition to these facilities, the university also has organizations that provide advanced learning beyond the classroom. Students, especially those interested in robotics, can join eRACE or the Emory Robotics and Computer Engineering club. This is where students are given the opportunity to develop their own robots, and even compete using their own creations.

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