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Faculty of Geodesy U. of Zagreb (FGUNIZ)

Faculty of Geodesy U. of Zagreb (FGUNIZ)
  • Croatia
  • University


  • The Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb (FGUNIZ) is a public institution of higher education that organizes and carries out university studies, and highly professional and scientific work in the field of geodesy. FGUNIZ aims at providing superior scientific knowledge and practical skills to all users nationally as well as internationally.

    The Faculty of Geodesy offers teaching of remote sensing, photogrammetric and GIS topics, as well as services and research to the community in fire fighting, forestry, Humanitarian Demining and water pollution. The Faculty has collaboration with CTDT in the production of AI DSS (Advanced Intelligence Decision Support System), and is also involved in the management of the system. CTDT and FGUNIZ are owners of the Advanced Intelligence Decision Support System.

  • Visit official website
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