About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Fondazione Mondo Digitale

Fondazione Mondo Digitale
  • Italy
  • Organisation
  • Robotics Developer


  • The Fondazione Mondo Digitale or the Digitalized World Foundation aims at combining innovation, instruction and fundamental values in order to create an inclusive knowledge society. The organization’s main goal is to share knowledge that will in turn benefit all citizens.

    FMD proposes innovate learning solutions for children to revive their interest in technological science. Over the last few years, the business world and the educational sector have grown apart, which means that the current supply isn’t enough to meet the demand for highly skilled tech employees. This is why FMD is investing in Project RoboDidactics.

    Project RoboDidactics was also launched to revive the interest of youth in science. The project has guided several European schools to the path of science. These schools are now offering robotics-related courses while encouraging children to participate in competitions like the RoboCup. The main idea is to develop an advanced educational method for the entire European Union.

  • Visit official website
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