About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Fontys Hogescholen

Fontys Hogescholen
  • Netherlands
  • University


  • Fontys is, as they call it, a knowledge institute. It is a school spread out in the Netherlands, with many locations throughout the country for students to study. Students at the Fontys organization perform applied research in the field of high tech mechatronics and robotics. This specific part of Fontys is located in Eindhoven and works together with different companies to bundle their knowledge and resources.

    Fontys is known for high quality education with a complete emphasis on the primary process. The institute invests in challenging, intense, well-organized, and engaging education.  Fontys is working on a number of projects, including the Bobbie project. Like a lot of robotics projects, project Bobbie is also focused on improving the healthcare sector with technological development. The mission of this project is to set up a Dutch industry that can develop assistance robots, which are both technologically and financially viable.

    Where many robots are developed as a prototype and are never produced due to exceeding costs, the research group at Fontys wishes to use standardized architecture to mass produce these robots at an affordable price. This development will help reduce the current personnel problem in the healthcare sector.

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