Owned by the Hanjin Group, Inha University is a private co-educational school in South Korea. Established in 1954, the school was a result of collaboration between an American and Korean school. The name Inha was derived from Incheon City in Korea and Hawaii, USA. This Korean university started out as a technical college before getting it began operating as a university.
The school was ranked 10th in Korea, and its Engineering and Science was ranked 4th. Today, the school has 12 undergraduate colleges, 9 graduate schools, and 8 agencies. Moreover, countless research institutes are found inside the university including the Optics and Photonics Elite Research Academy, Aerospace Research Information Center, Incheaon Area WISE Center and the Creative Research Center for EAPap Actuator.
The Creative Research Center for EAPap Actuator is a center for cutting-edge research and development of Electro-Active Paper materials, which offer lots of advantages when used on micro insect robots, micro flying objects, micro electro-mechanical systems, biosensors, and even smart packaging. This center is being supported by the country’s Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), and is an integral part of the Creative Research Initiatives.