About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Hosei U.

Hosei U.
  • Japan
  • University
  • Robotics Developer


  • Being one of Japan’s top traditional private universities, the Hosei University is strategically located in the city of Tokyo, Japan. Founded in 1880 as a school of law, the Hosei University was renamed as the Tokyo School of Law in1881. In 1889, the school merged with a school of French, after which it was named as the Hosei University in 1903. It was not however until 1920 that the school was recognized as a private university.

    Today the school caters to more than 30,000 students annually in its various campuses that are composed of several schools and departments. It is also home to various research centers, advance facilities and state-of-the-art laboratories.

    One of these laboratories is the Takashima R & C Laboratory inside the university’s Department of Mechanical Engineering. Here at the lab, students and researchers are taught about the latest in robotics and technology affecting today’s society.

    Other robotic laboratories and facilities are also found inside the Hosei University, each providing solid experience to their students and ensuring that they are prepared for experiencing the real world.

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