About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Belgium
  • Organisation


  • The IWT is a Belgian agency for science and technology that was founded in the early 90’s of the last millennium. The focus of the IWT lies on supporting innovation in Flanders, and the agency has the ability to invest around 300 million Euros annually in companies, universities and other innovators. Besides providing subsidies, the IWT also helps companies make their innovation projects as efficient as possible.

    One of the projects that IWT is involved in is “RGBd, TOF,” a robot vision research project. RGB stands for the three primary colors: red, green and blue, the d stands for distance and TOF for time of flight. RGB and TOF are separate vision techniques at the moment, but if these were to be combined, the artificial vision of robots would drastically improve. To understand 3D worlds, robots need to execute difficult calculations but with this new combined technology, a robot system would work like human brain.

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