About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


AUVSI Foundation
  • United States
  • Organisation


  • RoboNation is an online community that features detailed information and a discussion forum for the non-profit Association for Unmanned Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI) Foundation.

    The AUVSI Foundation organizes a series of robotics competitions for university students since 1991. They have awarded $1.4 million in prize money since then.

    The goal of these contests is to inspire students to follow a career, or at least develop a deeper interest, in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).

    There are many different robotics challenges and competitions held by the AUVSI Foundation:

    • SeaPerch National Challenge
    • International RoboBoat Competition
    • Student Unmanned Air Systems Competition
    • International RoboSub Competition
    • Maritime RobotX Challenge
    • International Aerial Robotics Competition
    • Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition
  • Visit official website
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