About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Instiute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies

Instiute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
  • Italy
  • Institute


  • The Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies emerged from the fusion of various institutes, including the former Institute of Phonetics and Dialectology, the former Institute of Psychology and some Biomedical Technology groups. The ISCT is also involved in the project ALIZ-E, which aims at improving communication and interaction among people, particularly children.

    Project ALIZ-E involves the evaluation and development of social robot roles as well as personalized dialogues to help people develop effective communication skills. Although these kinds of robots are already available, the ALIZ-E project strives to improve robot-human interaction over a range of days instead of minutes. Each robot will be fitted with a memory function, which will help it remember voices as well as store interaction episodes and experiences. Moreover, the robots will depend on sustainable and adaptive non-verbal interaction, taking a personified perspective to affective interaction.

  • Visit official website
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