About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Netherlands
  • Company


  • Intespring is a Dutch consultancy firm involved in product design and technical projects. They provide advice and analyses for motion technique and human movement projects, and projects involving spring mechanisms. They also have their own projects in these fields. The idea to improve the conditions for the patients and the caretakers in the health care sector is a hot topic. For Intespring, this is nothing different and their project X-Arm fits right in that niche.

    Whereas most projects are directed towards helping the elderly or the disabled with performing daily life activities, project X-Arm was created to aid caretakers who have to perform heavy physical labor while taking care of their patients. A large portion of caretakers is reported to have physical problems, mainly in the lower back area due to heavy lifting. The X-Arm project has led to the development of a portable tool called the LabCoat that assists in lifting. Major health insurance companies have invested in the development of this wearable supporting coat and testing has already led to positive results.

    A project in the spring mechanisms sector is the SpringUp. This chair enables people to stand up from a chair, just like any other electrically powered chair for the elderly. The only difference here is that this Intespring product is equipped with a special spring system which can be adjusted in strength so that getting up from a chair is not done completely automatic. This adjustment can be made depending on the muscle power of the client, which leads to muscle conservation through stimulation. Taking away the need of the leg muscles to function in fully automated chairs will lead to a decrease in muscle strength in the long term, thus creating a negative effect. By stimulating the patients’ muscles on an appropriate level, they stay in their respective muscle shape. Intespring is also testing a special version of this chair for physical therapy.

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