About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Karl Storz

Karl Storz
  • Germany
  • Company


  • Founded in 1945, KARL STORZ is a highly regarded international company that is known for the sale and production of medical devices or instruments. Establishing its name in versatility, creativity and competence, KARL STORZ is making every effort to continue the success it has enjoyed over the past 60 years. The company creates products for three sectors, including human medicine, veterinary medicine and the industrial sector.

    KARL STORZ has developed a wide range of endoscopic equipments for many different types of projects and operations. The company is investing and working on the robotics project known as Robots for Flexible Endoscope Steering. An endoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, requires a lot of training and makes the procedure more expensive. The goal of this project is to develop a flexible robotic endoscope with a single person control. The company has been working hard to accomplish this goal, and early tests have already shown that using this technology can increase precision and efficiency.

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