About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Netherlands
  • Institute
  • Robotics Developer


  • Based in the Netherlands, MIRA is the research centre for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine of the University of Twente.

    MIRA is listed among the best institutes for Bioengineering research in Europe and the US. With a dedicated team of over 300 researchers, MIRA’s chief philosophy is providing ‘Top Technology for Patients’, based on high-quality international research.

    MIRA uses technology as a tool for providing effective, reliable and innovative solutions to the field of health care. In fact, the institute gives priority to the current demands of clinicians while conducting research and training.

    Using a multidisciplinary-cooperation approach, MIRA focuses on cooperation between technical, social sciences and business disciplines. In fact, the institute aims at connecting all these disciplines to the business world, hospitals as well as other knowledge and research facilities.

    MIRA even encourages entrepreneurship among its employees to spread the knowledge at the social level. And to achieve this goal, MIRA has collaborated with many spin-off companies to market the new technology. The institute’s twelve-monthly turnover is around 25 million euro.

    One of the robotics projects MIRA is involved in is the Dutch Robotics project Miriam, Minimally Invasive Robotics in an MRI Environment.

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