About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Netherlands
  • Company


  • Situated in Amsterdam, NEMO is the largest science center of the Netherlands that provides an interactive and informal learning environment for visitors. The science center entertains visitors of all ages, but one of its main goals is to encourage children to develop their interest in science and technology.

    The past few decades have shown a continual downward trend in the number of students in science and technology, even though the business world has a high demand for skilled workers in these fields. Partnering with the RoboDidactics project, NEMO aims at re-introducing children to science through robotics. The idea of this plan is to develop an educational method for children that will teach them about interesting scientific material, increasing their knowledge about technology.

    Besides this project, NEMO has invested in the RoboCup junior, a robotic competition for children from 9 to 19. All in all, much effort is being made to re-introduce science to children, but in a way that is both innovative and challenging at the same time.

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