About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Robotic Industries Association (RIA)

Association for Advancing Automation (A3)
Robotic Industries Association (RIA)
  • United States
  • Organisation


  • The Robotic Industries Association (RIA), founded in 1974, is the only trade group in North America organized specifically to serve the robotics industry. Member companies include leading robot manufacturers, users, system integrators, component suppliers, research groups, and consulting firms.


    Membership Benefits

    • Access to thousands of robot industry leaders
    • Educational opportunities to grow in your career
    • Important robot safety standards
    • Industry trends and statistics to keep you informed, and much more.


    Membership Categories

    Supplier: a company that manufactures industrial robots, robot components and peripherals.

    System Integrator: a company that designs and builds automation systems. They are specialists in particular applications and can help you select the right equipment and determine the best system considerations to automate your process.

    Robotic Automation User: a company that uses industrial robots or interested in automation processes for their operations.

    Consultants & Affiliates: a company that works with companies to help them succeed with their automation investment. An Affiliate member is anyone that acts as an advocate for industrial robots, such as a recruiter or financial institution.

    Educator/Researcher: a technical institution or university conducting robotics research or a government agency.


    Online Advertising

    Robotics Online is the official site of the RIA and is a global resource dedicated solely to the robotics industry.  By advertising on Robotics Online, companies are placed in the forefront of engineers, executives, corporate managers, and users of robotic automation.


    Robotics Event: Automate

    Together with the AIA and Motion Control Association (MCA) they organize the Robotics event: Automate 


  • Visit official website



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