About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Robotics & Control

University of Delaware
Robotics & Control
  • United States
  • Laboratory
  • Robotics Developer


  • Robotics and Control, University of Delaware


    Robotics and Control is part of the University of Delaware’s College of Engineering and has been actively focused on designing, controlling and deploying robots in an effort to replace people in dangerous jobs and/or locations.

    Robotic devices that were developed and currently being worked on at Robotics and Control have been used in environment exploration and inspection. And from the deepest part of the ocean to the wide open outer space, these devices have been utilized and have been a part of the lab’s research.

    The robotic research done in this department can be categorized into three major areas: cooperative robotics, robots for assisted human motion, and bio-inspired robotic systems.

    The first area enables teams of robots to work jointly; allowing ensembles of robots to cooperatively do tasks that not one of them can complete on its own. The second category is an active area of overlap between the department’s strengths in robotics and biomechanics. Among the projects developed in this category are those machines that assist children with developmental difficulties, and older people with brain or spinal injuries. Lastly, the bio-inspired robotic systems envision legged robots as an alternative to the usual traditional wheeled and/or tracked ground vehicles.

    Aside from these areas, the Robotics and Control lab at the University of Delaware is doing basic research in manipulation theory, which would allow us to understand real-world decision making issues confronted not only by people, but also robots.


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