About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen

Sabanci U.

Sabanci U.
  • Turkey
  • University
  • Robotics Developer


  • Sabanci University

    Located in the capital city of Istanbul in Turkey, Sabanci University is one of the country’s private research institutions and was established in 1994. Its history came after the country’s need for higher education reached its turning point.

    During this time, private foundations were given the opportunity to put up, establish and develop universities. This, in effect, allowed universities to engage in achieving this vision through collaboration in order to enhance post-secondary school education and constructive competition aligned with the same goals.

    In July 1994, the country’s Administrative Council came up with the decision, prompting the Sabinci group to put up a university. They assigned the task to Hac? Ömer Sabanc? with the intention to establish an institution that would represent a model in higher education, not only in Turkey and Europe but in the entire world.

    On June 5, 1996, the foundation of the university was legally acknowledged with the passing of the Law 4142 through Turkish Parliament. A year later, the school’s campuses and the creation of the Board of Trustees and the President of the university were publicly announced, along with the school’s architectural design.

    A group of academicians and school administrators started to collaborate with experts coming from Cannon in order to have a better grasp of what was needed. Cannon, which was responsible for the architectural design of the school, presented to the Board and during the same time, the groundbreaking of the campus’ construction took place.

    With science, technology and social structures moving forward every day, the world needs more competitive and qualified individuals who have the knowledge and skills needed to pursue a career anywhere in the world today. With this in mind, the school has decided to put up four faculties: the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Management, and the School of Languages.

    True to their mission statement in equipping students with knowledge that could help them pursue a career, especially in the world of technology, the school, through its Sabanc? Üniversitesi Robot Ara?t?rmalar? Laboratuvar Platformu (Sabanci University Robotics Research Laboratory Platform), continually equips students at the university with the skills necessary to meet the modern world.

    At this laboratory, researchers have developed the SURALP humanoid robot, a robot that has 29 independent driven axes. It is equipped with CCD Camera, various sensors and inertial measurement systems. This humanoid robot is capable of bipedal walking and was unveiled in 2010.

    Today, the Sabanci University remains steadfast in their aim to develop students who are competent, have the strong sense of responsibility for social change through cooperation and help contribute to the development of science and technology benefiting the entire community.






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