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The Robotics Society of Japan

The Robotics Society of Japan
  • Japan
  • Organisation


  • The Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ) promotes development in academic fields while offering specialists a place to announce their robotics research and exchange technical knowledge.

    They publish the "Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan” and the society’s international journal, “Advanced Robotics” which include scientific papers and descriptive articles about the latest developments in the field of robotics.

    The RSJ also hosts the “Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan” and “Robotics Symposia”. In addition, the robotics society is engaged in planning and holding seminars associated with the latest developments and basic knowledge of robotics.

    For promoting technology and studies focusing on robots, RSJ presents various awards, including “the Best Paper Awards”, “Young Investigation Excellence Awards”, “Technical Innovation Awards”, etc.

    In addition to supporting the activities of dedicated research committees, RSJ cooperates with other Japanese and international academic societies.

    The Robotics Society of Japan is also known for supporting various symposia, including ICAR, IROS, ISR along with other global conferences.


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