About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Belgium
  • Company


  • Known as masters in innovation, VERHAERT helps governments and companies to innovate. The company was founded in 1969, and has developed more than 500 new products over the last 40 years. VERHAERT is a leading company in product innovation, new product and business development and technology platform creation. Operating in various fields like engineering, science and business, the company uses its expertise in the development of many products in many different sectors, such as mechanics, mechatronics, embedded systems and optics.

    Being an integrated innovation center, VERHAERT connects strategic, operational and tactical aspects of innovation. Currently, the company is working with other tech companies and universities on a project called DESTECS. Project DESTECS or Design Support and Tooling for Embedded Control Systems deals with the development of fault-tolerant embedded systems.

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