About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen


  • Netherlands
  • Company


  • ZonMw is a company that promotes research in the field of healthcare. Owing to the ever-changing demands of the medical world, a substantial amount of funds need to be invested in order to perform specialized research and development. ZonMw distributes funds to projects that have the right combination of innovation and quality. Serving as the Dutch organization for scientific research, ZonMw also works as an agency for the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport while using and distributing investment funds for them.

    Since research in healthcare is an international business, ZonMw works together with international funding bodies to accomplish its goals while ensuring best results for Dutch citizens. Investing in robotics and other technological devices is highly important for making fruitful investments in the future of the medical world. For this reason, ZonMw is investing in the IMDI project, which aims at improving the Dutch knowledge infrastructure.

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