Located in Milan, Hospitale San Raffaele is an innovative clinical and diagnostic center that is involved in the ALIZ-E project, which aims at developing robots that can help people improve their communication skills.
The ALIZ-E is a Dutch Robotics project aimed at the elderly and children. Developers hope to create a robot that can communicate for longer periods of time with humans. The project will use the Aldebaran Nao robot as an implementation platform. One goal…
Emerging from the fusion of various institutes, the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies is involved in the technological transfer, research training activities and enhancement in a number of scientific areas.
The University of Brussels was founded from a different university in the year 1834. With over 10,000 students, the university is currently involved in the international robotics projects, Viactors and Aliz-E. The idea of the project is to analyze and…