About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • An9

    Advertising robot An9-PR was developed by ALSOK and sells for $150,000. Besides having an electric board and 19-inch advertising monitors, it can patrol buildings and send coupons to mobile phones. This cute, friendly robot also has facial recognition…

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  • An9

    ALSOK has developed a robot guard called An9-RR that is capable of providing surveillance and greet visitors. It can provide directions and inform human security guards about suspicious activities with emails containing surveillance images. Smaller versions…

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  • Reborg-Q

    ALSOK developed a security robot called Reborg-Q. This automatically programmable robot can guard an area; detect leaks, fires and smoke; and can tell current time and weather.

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  • Guard Robot D1

    Guard Robot D1 was developed to make safeguarding and security tasks easier and more accurate. It knows English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Guard Robot D1 can operate on its own and decide what to do in various situations, including to alert the…

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