Being a medical rehabilitation center in Utrecht, De Hoogstraat is the research and innovation center of the UMC Utrech Hospital that aims at improving the rehabilitation treatment by performing scientific research, innovation and implementation of projects.
Reade came into being from the merger of two rehabilitation systems, which now offer specialized care, support and advice to hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Reade offers and develops excellent quality rehabilitation medicine as well as rheumatology.
Rijndam specializes in complex medical rehabilitation issues. The organization has been teaching children, youth and adults about dealing with the effects of a disorder, accident or disease for more than 100 years.
Being a leading Dutch hospital, the Sint Maartens clinic specializes in the treatment of diseases related to posture and movement. The clinic invests in the development of robotic equipment that can help in the rehabilitation of posture and movement disorders.
Snoek Advies is a Dutch company that has a goal of providing solutions to medical problems. The company believes in developing new technologies, products or services to provide the right medical services at affordable costs.
Based in the Netherlands, the University of Twente (UT) is a Dutch research university that focuses on technical development and its implications for individuals as well as society. UT is involved in two important robotics projects i.e. LOPES and ROBAR.