Abel is a Singapore based team focused on Bot development, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics.
SAIL is the AI research lab at Stanford University. Their mission is to change how we perceive we understand the world. The lab is in the Gates Computer Science Department and is home to over 100 people and more than 30 robots. They have contributed to…
Phenox Lab manufactures intelligent, programmable aerial robots which are flying drones functioning as a programmable platform for flying apps. It was, founded by the two young, promising students Ryo Konomura and Kensho Miyoshi at the Artificial Intelligence…
The University of Bremen is one of the most elite universities in Germany. The university has several research institutions, facilities, and centers for research on robot technology like the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) which…
The University of Tehran is a public Iranian university that is considered to be the oldest modern university based on its socio-cultural and political history. Its Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory aims at supporting graduate students in…
The University of Zurich is in the top 50 best universities in the world. Switzerland’s largest university, it created a robotics lab, the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, to cultivate intelligence in all its aspects by endorsing excellence in basic…
Developed by the Spanish company TheCorpora, the Q.bo is a robot platform for the development as well as progress of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. It consists of a chassis, high quality mechanical parts and plastic covers. The Q.bo only contains…
At the Xconomy Forum: Robo Madness 2017- A.I. Gets Real - In a series of interactive talks, panels, and demos about A.I. ethics, the future of jobs, and the competitive landscape in technology, questions are addressed about how robotics will transform…
The 8th International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Signal Processing & Power Applications (ROVISP) will be held in Penang, Malysia from November 10-12. Researchers, scientists, academicians and industry professionals will showcase their research results…
Formerly known as the AASS Mobile Robotics Lab, Orebro University's mobile robotics lab is now named the Cognitive Robotic Systems Laboratory (CRSL) at AASS. Its mission is to perform basic and applied research of cognitive robotic systems and to address…
The VUB AI-Lab has worked with hundreds of researchers to study autonomous robots. It has a Robotics and Language Evolution Group that developed the core technologies FCG and Babel2. They are working on personalized products emerging from Tailored User…
Aisoy Robotics designs emotional personal robots to make people’s life fun and easy. The company aims at creating robots that can sense, perceive, evolve emotionally, and have human-like, natural communication with the users.
Asian Robotics Review is an online publication offering news, analysis, research and opinion on the global technology and business issues of robotics, robotics-driven automation, and artificial
The AMRL of the University of Maryland specializes in robots for entertainment, education, goal-based robotics and motion planning. Notable projects include the Vacuuming robot the Scratchy, and the homebuilt Smart-V robot, Spiro. The lab also created…
Being one of the leading research institutions in the world, Germany’s Freie University Berlin is internationally known for its research in the field of humanities, social sciences, and natural and life sciences.
The Boston-based Future of Life Institute is a volunteer-run research and outreach organization working to mitigate the existential risks facing humanity. It is currently focusing on the potential risks presented by the development of human-level artificial…
Founded by Jean-Christophe Baillie, Gostai is a manufacturer of robots and an editor of innovative software for robotics and artificial intelligence. It aims at fostering the development of the "Smart Machines" industry.
The IRRC is one of the most prestigious robotics research centers in Australia. Besides creating the internationally-known robot the SLAMbot, they also developed the Go-2 robot for Scienceworks. The Center is also adept in microcomputer systems, VLSI…
The IRR lab is home to many groundbreaking robotics developments, such as UT Austin Villa Robot Soccer Team and TEXPLORE. Their research makes it possible to create robot prototypes more quickly. The lab also conducts research on Neural Networks and…
MIT’s Leg Laboratory is one of the premier robotics research labs in the U.S. This lab created the Uniroo and 3D Biped robots, which appeared in the film “Rising Sun.” Devoted to developing dynamic-legged robots, Leg Laboratory has developed one-legged…
UPenn’s Masters Program in Robotics is recognized as one of the top premier research centers in the country today. It provides students with an ideal foundation for artificial intelligence, computer vision, and the prototyping of robotic systems. Among…
Rhino: Intelligent Autonomous Systems is in the computer science department at the University of Bonn. Here, the group studies the design of intelligent robotic and software agents, with the goal of improving the next generation of these agents. Among…
The Robotics Research Group was established in 1985 and is part of the University of Oxford. This distinguished group of robotics researchers have a goal of creating a robot that can determine where its location is without the help of an expensive infrastructure.…
The SSL at the University of Maryland was founded by MIT. The lab is home to a deep water tank that is the only one of its kind housed inside a university, and is utilized to simulate the microgravity environment of outer space. SSL focuses on space robotics…
Being one of the three technological universities in the Netherlands, the TU Delft aims at introducing new robot technologies that can work together with humans beyond confined industrial environments.
TU Delft Robotics Institute is the leading center for robotics research in the Netherlands. Their aim is to introduce new and original robotics technologies that will enable humans and robots to work together in uncontrolled, unpredictable, real-life…
The University of Electro-Communication (UEC) is one of the premiere universities in the Japan. The university is also equipped with various labs and research facilities that mostly involve the study of information technology, robotics and artificial…
Founded in 1863, the University of Massachusetts Amherst is categorized as a Research University with very high research activity. UMass offers bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctoral degrees in 88 undergraduate and 72 graduate areas of study.
The humanoid robot Actroid was created by Osaka University. It has silicone skin and resembles a young Japanese child. Actroid has speech recognition software and can talk, blink, and mimic other basic human functions. It was displayed at the 2003 International…
Ahra was created as a counterpart to humanoid robot Mahru. She has facial and object recognition and can walk and turn when confronted by obstacles. Ahra can follow simple instruction given by the user. The robot's scent changes depending on its mood.
The AI Robot is a customizable entertainment robot designed to dance. It has artificial intelligence and flexible body mechanisms that allow it to groove to all different types of music. The AI Robot has been in several videos that went viral and is a…
Sony's AIBO ERS-311 is another cute robot dog. It is less expensive than previous models but has fewer features. AIBO ERS-311 still has good points, however, including more sensors. The Japanese version comes with a remote, but it only works for the Bluetooth-enabled…
Aisoy1 is a pet-robot that is considered as an emotional learning robot, which is aimed at making users’ lives funnier and easier. The pet robot can recognize the user, perceive its surrounding and understand what other people are doing.
The Atom 7xp is the first humanoid robot created in the USA. This full-sized robot is part of Futurebots labs vision to support a wide range of industrial and commercial needs.
BeRobot is a tiny entertainment humanoid robot created by GeStream Technology, Inc. The Guinness Book of World Records recognized it as the world’s smallest humanoid robot.
Carebot is a service robot developed by Gecko Systems. It was designed to be a companion for elderly people. Carebot monitors patients and reminds them when to take medications.
Popular with hobbyists, Cog was created in 1994 at MIT to explore interactive learning, with a human-like interface and intelligence modeled on a six-month-old baby.
Cycler (renamed Recycler) is a lovable humanoid robot developed for environmental education. It speaks, plays MP3s, and follows spoken commands using 5 microcontrollers.
UT Austin and Meka Robotics jointly developed a humanoid called Dreamer. Armed with advanced artificial intelligence, it can respond to human gestures and even emotions.
Guard Robot D1 was developed to make safeguarding and security tasks easier and more accurate. It knows English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Guard Robot D1 can operate on its own and decide what to do in various situations, including to alert the…
HERO-1 has been around since the early 80’s. It is an excellent teaching tool and robot lab. This educational robot can detect light, sound and movement and maneuvers easily.
Hanson Robotics developed Jules which is an android robot. It looks like a real human and contains servomotors, advanced animatronics and possesses artificial intelligence.
The Kismet is a robot created in 1997 by the robotics experts at MIT. It was designed to participate in human social interaction by having simulated human emotion and appearance. Since the robot's release, its replica was part of a traveling exhibit called…
Paul Kocyla created an artificial intelligence robot called KommuniKate. This robot can answer queries and questions from humans and also shows them relevant contextual information.
University of Oxford developed the Marge, a prototype robot for literate artificial intelligence. It contains OCR software, a dictionary and a spellchecker enabling it to scan and read texts.
Octavia is a wheeled firefighting robot developed by MIT's Personal Robotics Group. The US Navy wanted a robot on board ship in order to help humans deal with fires and other emergencies. Octavia's operating system allows it to track complex objects and…
Polaris robot charges mobile phones while removing data from them for interacting with users. Then it interacts through a TV, giving advice and making helpful comments.
Developed by the Spanish company theCorpora, the Q.bo Pro Evo is a programmable mobile robot which is fully assembled and designed for people wishing to skip the assembling steps and choose the components.
Leonel Moura and IdMind created the RAP, a painter robot. It is autonomous and paints using artificial intelligence algorithm. It can also finish the painting and sign it.
Robopec's Reeti is a fully customizable robot capable of many functions. It can connect to the Internet so you can access social media and email. This PC-bot can help teachers who need better ways to teach students. It has a user-friendly interface and…
University of Essex developed a robot fish called Robocarp. Having artificial intelligence, it has the potential to explore seabed, detect leaks in oil pipes and countercheck water mines.
Soccer-playing RoboErectus Jr won first place in penalty kicks in the 2002 RoboCup, but with a walking speed of 2 meters/minute it's not a big threat to human players.
WowWee’s Robopanda is an interactive delight. This robot can tell jokes and stories, crawl and sit, and responds to touch and sound. It can even be taught new tricks.
WowWee’s Roborover is an interactive robot buddy children and collectors will love. It can explore with you day or night, and has more personality the more you play with it.
The four-legged robot Silo4 was built to assist with research and development. It is a platform for developing other robots. The creators have made a book available for people who want to build their own Silo4. It is projected to be a great success with…
The NOAA sponsored the development of TERRI which is an educational robot. This humanoid robot has artificial intelligence and can work remotely in a fully automatic mode.
Unicycle Robot is the first robot in China capable of balancing on a single wheel. It can navigate a balance beam and even compensate for external disturbances. Unicycle Robot has infrared sensors, a gyroscope, and an inclinometer. Its developers hope…