Eurobot is an international event open to international amateur robotic enthusiasts. It aims to organize robotic enthusiasts to showcase their own autonomous robots and compete with each other. The finals of Eurobot will be held from June 6 to 8 in Dresden,…
RoboCup 2014 is meant to promote and stimulate robot technology worldwide. The main event will be the RoboCup Soccer competitions where teams from over 40 countries compete for the robot soccer championship. RoboCup 2014 is held in Brazil from july 21…
RobotChallenge 2014 is one of the world’s largest international competitions for self-made, autonomous, and mobile robots. Held in Vienna, Austria from March 29 till 30, this annual event serves as a venue for people to showcase their creations, share…
Formerly known as the AASS Mobile Robotics Lab, Orebro University's mobile robotics lab is now named the Cognitive Robotic Systems Laboratory (CRSL) at AASS. Its mission is to perform basic and applied research of cognitive robotic systems and to address…
The VUB AI-Lab has worked with hundreds of researchers to study autonomous robots. It has a Robotics and Language Evolution Group that developed the core technologies FCG and Babel2. They are working on personalized products emerging from Tailored User…
Swiss company Alstom, along with Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, develops autonomous inspection robots. The robots can work in environments dangerous for humans.
The Bristol robotics Laboratory is the largest academic center for multi-disciplinary robotics research in the UK. Their mission is to understand the engineering and social roles of robotics. They have accomplished many robotics projects, including the…
Endinet is part of the Alliander business group. The company constructs and maintains a reliable infrastructure for energy.
Enexis is a Dutch electricity and gas provider. With other companies and institutions, it is involved in the project Pirate to develop small autonomous robots to fix leaks in pipelines.
Established in 1949, the Gifu University has 6 faculties and 8 Graduate Schools. The university is equipped with many research facilities, centers and laboratories that can readily provide students with solid experience and sophisticated technological…
The IRL at Vanderbilt University works to advance state-of-the-art intelligent systems. Through their research on autonomous robots and mobile robotics, they have created such robots as scooter robot ATRV-Jr. Other areas of focus include biologically-inspired,…
One of Germany’s largest and most prestigious research and education institutions, KIT is home to the Robotics Research Group. The group focuses on autonomous robots and industrial automation. They have developed several robots through the CoMiRo-Collective,…
The University of Florida’s MIL is home to the SubjuGator, an underwater unmanned vehicle and three-time AUVSI/ONR underwater contest champion. The lab’s primary focus is on such robotics issues as real-time computer vision, robotics kinematics and autonomous…
Founded in 1989, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid has three campuses spread across Madrid in Spain. It has a special Robotics Lab where students and researchers work together to research and develop robots, including popular robots like Asibot, UC3M Humanoid…
The Uppsala University is Sweden’s oldest university and ranks among the best universities in Northern Europe. It has been known for providing its students with vital knowledge and important hands-on experience, especially in the field of robotics.
Only one more day to go untill this years Robocup soccer competition will start in the Dutch city of Eindhoven, The Netherlands. RoboCup is the largest international robotics event which is held every year.
A week after the FIFA World Cup has ended, RoboCup is taking place in João Pessoa, Brazil. The games will start on july 19th with 2 days of set up, followed by the actual competitions on the 21th till 24th and a Symposium on the 25th.
RoboParty is a unique educational project that helps young people interested in robotics. This year, the RoboParty event is part of the Robocup 2014 event and is held from July 21st - 23rd, 2014.
BART LAB Rescue, the robotics team from The Center for Biomedical and Robotics Technology, is now looking forward to attend the RoboCup 2014 Competition. To facilitate the transport costs they initiated a Fundraising Campaign
The PIRATE project is a Dutch robotics project designed to make it easier to inspect Dutch gas network pipelines. Tiny autonomous robots will be able to measure deformations of the tubing, as well as detect leaks. These battery-powered robots will make…
The goal of the robotics project R3-Cop is to create lower cost, cutting edge autonomous robots that can work cooperatively by interconnecting multiple industries that at first glance have very little in common. It is supported by 11 European countries,…
RoboCup is the largest international robotics event in the world and consists of Robot soccer games, Robot rescue competitions, robots performing tests in a household environment and educational games for children.
RoboCup Junior is a robotics initiative that sponsors both regional and international events that use robotics competitions to educate children about robot technology and teach them how to cooperate with their peers. RoboCup Junior also offers an international…
RoboCup Soccer is part of the RoboCup Federation which is an international organization that promotes and stimulate robotics technology worldwide by organizing competitions. The objective of RoboCup Soccer is to have a team of autonomous robots that…
RoboParty is a pedagogical/educational project that aims at teaching young people how to build mobile autonomous robots. The RoboCup games are used to organize the RoboParty event to educate young people about the basics of robotics in a simple and entertaining…
Comprised of dynamically connected, heterogenous, small autonomous robots, the Swarmanoid project aims at designing, implementing and controlling a novel distributed robotic system.