About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • Brazilian Robotics Competition

    The Brazilian Robotics Competition is Brazil’s major national science competition in the field of autonomous robotics. It is held from October 16-20, 2013 at the Universidade de Fortaleza and is organized by the IEEE Brazilian Robot Competition and the…

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  • RoboCup 2014

    RoboCup 2014 is meant to promote and stimulate robot technology worldwide. The main event will be the RoboCup Soccer competitions where teams from over 40 countries compete for the robot soccer championship. RoboCup 2014 is held in Brazil from july 21…

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  • RoboCup is going to Brazil

    A week after the FIFA World Cup has ended, RoboCup is taking place in João Pessoa, Brazil. The games will start on july 19th with 2 days of set up, followed by the actual competitions on the 21th till 24th and a Symposium on the 25th.

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  • Thai Rescue Robots To Brazil

    BART LAB Rescue, the robotics team from The Center for Biomedical and Robotics Technology, is now looking forward to attend the RoboCup 2014 Competition. To facilitate the transport costs they initiated a Fundraising Campaign

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  • Rising Media, Inc.

    Rising Media is a global events and media producer excelling in Internet and technology-related events and content. Events include Inside 3D Printing, RoboUniverse, Virtual Reality Summit, Data

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  • Yaskawa Motoman Robotics

    Yaskawa Motoman, an American subsidiary of the Japanese company Yaskawa Electric Corporation, produces automation products for many major industries. Headquartered in Miamisburg, Ohio, their product line includes over 175 distinct robot models and is…

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  • Lea

    Lea serves as a home service robot, which is not only effective but affordable as well. Lea is capable of performing a variety of tasks, combining high-tech speech recognition, person tracking, object recognition as well as autonomous navigation.

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