SAIL is the AI research lab at Stanford University. Their mission is to change how we perceive we understand the world. The lab is in the Gates Computer Science Department and is home to over 100 people and more than 30 robots. They have contributed to…
HSU may be one of California's smallest universities, but it has a long and respected academic history. The school's Computer Science department has an Internet Teaching Laboratory, the ITL, where students learn about computer and network security as…
The CVRL at Greece’s Institute of Computer Science was created to perform research and development in autonomous mobile robots. Among their robot creations is the Plato, a 4-wheeled skid drive robotic platform, and a Rotocraft Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.…
The University of Manitoba is Western Canada’s first university and the largest university in the province. Its Autonomous Agents Laboratory inside the Department of Computer Science has developed several robots, which have competed not only in Canada…
RobotChallenge 2014 is one of the world’s largest international competitions for self-made, autonomous, and mobile robots. Held in Vienna, Austria from March 29 till 30, this annual event serves as a venue for people to showcase their creations, share…
Formerly known as the AASS Mobile Robotics Lab, Orebro University's mobile robotics lab is now named the Cognitive Robotic Systems Laboratory (CRSL) at AASS. Its mission is to perform basic and applied research of cognitive robotic systems and to address…
The VUB AI-Lab has worked with hundreds of researchers to study autonomous robots. It has a Robotics and Language Evolution Group that developed the core technologies FCG and Babel2. They are working on personalized products emerging from Tailored User…
The AMRL of the University of Maryland specializes in robots for entertainment, education, goal-based robotics and motion planning. Notable projects include the Vacuuming robot the Scratchy, and the homebuilt Smart-V robot, Spiro. The lab also created…
The Beijing University of Technology is one of China’s recognized Project 211 universities with a multidisciplinary academic structure providing various programs. Some of the achievements include the research on wheeled robots and all-position welding…
Starting out as the Carnegie Technical Schools in 1900, the Carnegie Mellon University is one of America’s top private research institutions. The institute is composed of seven colleges and several independent schools. CMUA’s Robotics Institute is the…
The CDR is one of the leading robotic research labs in the United States. The chief objectives of this robotic lab are to design, build, and show distributed robotic systems. Among the robots that they have co-developed is the UMN Scout robot, designed…
Utah State University’s CSOIS works on the design and development of robotics. The Center has been developing robotic vehicles for TACOM. Another large project, automating two different tractors capable of spraying an orchard autonomously, was done for…
CAS is KTH’s premier mobile robot systems research center. This facility’s research includes various robotics, computer vision, and machine learning and control. Recent studies included close-contact robot manipulation and computer animation in a project…
Founded by William Chalmers, the Chalmers University of Technology aims at becoming the most attractive universities in the world through internationally acclaimed research and education together with a professional innovation procedure.
Cybernet Systems Corporation creates not only robotics technology solutions but also advancements in human-robot interaction. It invented the largest selling robotic consumer technology on the market; the force feedback technology which is now found…
Fraunhofer IAIS (Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems) aims at developing tailored IT solutions to help organizations and companies optimize their products, services and even processes while implementing intelligent information as well as sophisticated…
Working in the field of computer science since 1957, the Institute of Mathematical Machines (IMM) is a research and development institution that aims at developing, applying, as well as disseminating innovative ICT technologies.
The IRR lab is home to many groundbreaking robotics developments, such as UT Austin Villa Robot Soccer Team and TEXPLORE. Their research makes it possible to create robot prototypes more quickly. The lab also conducts research on Neural Networks and…
One of Germany’s largest and most prestigious research and education institutions, KIT is home to the Robotics Research Group. The group focuses on autonomous robots and industrial automation. They have developed several robots through the CoMiRo-Collective,…
Keio University is Japan’s oldest institute of higher education. The robotics department’s goal is to develop robots that can actually understand humans so they can perform effectively. Among projects they have worked on is the TELESAR V Robot, which…
MIT’s Leg Laboratory is one of the premier robotics research labs in the U.S. This lab created the Uniroo and 3D Biped robots, which appeared in the film “Rising Sun.” Devoted to developing dynamic-legged robots, Leg Laboratory has developed one-legged…
Taiwan’s first robot capable of scaling walls was developed in part by NKFUST’s College of Engineering’s Mechanical and Automation Engineering. This award-winning robot can eventually be put into actual use, replacing humans to clean the windows of tall…
Since 1928, NTU has been one of Taiwan's most dedicated institutions for higher learning. Members of its College of Engineering developed an energy-efficient robot, using the NI LabView and CompactRIO, that can move quickly and smoothly across different…
Rhino: Intelligent Autonomous Systems is in the computer science department at the University of Bonn. Here, the group studies the design of intelligent robotic and software agents, with the goal of improving the next generation of these agents. Among…
The Robotics and Intelligent Machines Lab at UC Berkeley is a leading academic lab in the field of medical robotics. One of its biggest projects is Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS). Lab researchers have created a way for an operation to be performed with…
CMU’s Sensor Based Planning Laboratory engages in research on robotics and sensor-based planning, among other fields. Researchers focus on equipping robots with probabilistic planner technology which, if successful, can extend current sensor capabilities.…
Stanford University in California has evolved into one of the United States’ most prominent research universities in the field of computer science. One of the recipients of the original four ARPANET nodes, Stanford’s School of Engineering has developed…
Germany’s Technical University Munich is one of the country’s top research universities and a member of the TU9 technology society. The school’s Robotics and Embedded Systems conducts ongoing research on the education of machines used for perception,…
Japan’s UEC boasts of its unrivaled scale of education and research in human-friendly science and engineering. In its Mitsuharu Matsumoto Laboratory, students are focused on research that includes human-robot interaction and intelligent robotics. Ahead…
Formerly known as the Hatfield Technical College, the University of Hertfordshire is a British new university that is located in Hatfield. The university’s Adaptive Systems Research Group was instrumental in the creation and development of a unique robot…
Founded in 1863, the University of Massachusetts Amherst is categorized as a Research University with very high research activity. UMass offers bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctoral degrees in 88 undergraduate and 72 graduate areas of study.
Aldebaran has expressed its intent to share their source code for programming NAO with the programming community. Robot NAO is very popular with universities and has become an innovative tool in teaching about robotics.
On November 24 - 30, the 4th edition of the European Robotics Week will take place in a range of locations throughout Europe featuring a variety of robotics-related activities for the general public.
Rethink Robotics has chosen Génération Robots to promote the research and education of the collaborative robot Baxter in Europe. The company aims to automate easy, repetitive tasks in small companies.
MecklerMedia’s RoboUniverse Announces Keynote Speakers, May 11-13, 2015 at the Javits Convention Center
As of 1 February 2016, ECHORD++’s scientific project manager Reinhard Lafrenz will serve as the new Secretary General of euRobotics in succession of Uwe Haass.
SmartBot is an innovative robotics project involving Germany and the Netherlands to create a global knowledge hot spot for robotic sensing and doing business.
AgroBot is a sub-project of the SmartBot initiative dedicated to the development of basic technologies for constructing multiple agriculture robotic prototypes with different applications.
SmartBot is an innovative cross-border robotics project involving collaborating partners from Germany and The Netherlands, creating a global knowledge hot spot in the field of robotic sensing.
A group of various US institutes developed Myro which is a programming robot. It can hold a pen, and can navigate by avoiding obstacles in its path using its array of sensors.
George Mason University developed three humanoids called RoboPatriots. They play soccer and are used to study motion and path planning, multiple robot coordination, etc.