The European Space Agency (ESA) is an intergovernmental agency composed of 20 European countries dedicated to the exploration of space. ESA projects include human spaceflight, unmanned exploration missions to the moon and other planets, designing launch…
Centre for Concepts in Mechatronics develops robotics products and related production systems. The Dutch company supplies products to different market and industries such as data and energy storage, space navigation and biomedicine.
The ESA Telerobotics & Haptics Laboratory aims at performing engineering developments, fundamental research, and project work in human-robot interfaces, telerobotics, and haptics together with academic institutions as well as industry.
The largest of ESA's research sites in Europe and abroad is the European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Almost all equipment that ESA launches is tested to some extent at ESTEC. While ESTEC is used extensively…
Internationally known for offering unbiased and independent consultancy services, SpaceTec comprises of experienced technology and management consultants with extensive experience in space and its applications.
If you like Space Games, get ready for the Annual Zero Robotics tournament. Finalists in this Zero Robotics tournament will compete at the International Space Station using Spheres robots to avoid obstacles, as well as complete a space mission.
Zero Robotics is a project that organizes an annual robotics programming competition held live aboard the International Space Station. To win, competitors program a SPHERES robot to navigate a microgravity environment while avoiding obstacles, as well…