Being a German application-oriented research organization, Fraunhofer is active in many different kinds of sectors like health, security, energy and the environment. The company designs products and shapes technology focusing on the needs of the people.
Fraunhofer IAIS (Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems) aims at developing tailored IT solutions to help organizations and companies optimize their products, services and even processes while implementing intelligent information as well as sophisticated…
During the 1st demonstration of the Robo-Mate exoskeleton at Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) in Stuttgart, questions will be answered about its usefulness on Friday, 12 June 2015 from 9:00 to 15:30.
Founded by the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, GPS has a goal of developing strategies for the release of new products into the markets and the transfer of technology.
Care-O-bot 3 is the latest in the line of mobile service robots, developed by Fraunhofer IPA, which are designed to bring robotic assistance into the home or business space.
Micro aerial vehicles (MAV) such as multicopters have become a popular research tool in recent years and are used in an increasing number of application domains, e.g., aerial
Researchers have been working on a social robot that collaborates with caretakers and relatives to support elderly to maintain an independent life.
ACCOMPANY is a robotics project set to develop the Care-O-bot 3 into a caring and emotionally stimulating social robot for the elderly.