About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • Haile

    Haile is a robotic drummer with the ability to improvise and create new music. Using intricate algorithms, this robot can listen, study and improvise. Haile has beat and rhythm detection and the ability to play acoustically, which will lead to a whole…

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    Robopec's Reeti is a fully customizable robot capable of many functions. It can connect to the Internet so you can access social media and email. This PC-bot can help teachers who need better ways to teach students. It has a user-friendly interface and…

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  • Xianxingzhe

    Chinese National University of Defense Technology developed Xianxingzhe after getting inspired by the Japanese and the Americans. This bipedal humanoid robot can stand up and walk. Although criticized by many Japanese robot-makers, Xianxingzhe became…

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