The University of Dundee in Scotland has a reputation for providing students and robot enthusiasts with the knowledge they need in the real world of robotics. One of their projects is the Colon Climbing Robot with Internal Support Structure, or the CIRWISS.…
Formerly known as the AASS Mobile Robotics Lab, Orebro University's mobile robotics lab is now named the Cognitive Robotic Systems Laboratory (CRSL) at AASS. Its mission is to perform basic and applied research of cognitive robotic systems and to address…
The VUB AI-Lab has worked with hundreds of researchers to study autonomous robots. It has a Robotics and Language Evolution Group that developed the core technologies FCG and Babel2. They are working on personalized products emerging from Tailored User…
The ARRG at the University of Texas is dedicated to advancing intelligent machine technology and focuses on robotics. Their 16,000 square foot office/lab is home to three major types of research, including robotic manipulators and their software. NASA…
The ACSE at the University of Sheffield is the top research center in the world, and the largest academic research center in the UK solely dedicated to control and systems engineering. This award-winning Center is also a member of the Worldwide Universities…
The ARRI of the University of Texas at Arlington aims to become the global leader of Micro engineering. Their research focuses in part on the fundamental issues in robotics and micro technology. They are collaborating with other engineering groups to…
CoR-Lab, part of Bielefeld University, was created to meet the challenges in the world of robotics. The lab plans to support the local medium-sized economy and strengthen the university in its main focus, “Intelligent Systems.” The anthropomorphic robot…
The Biomimetic Robotics Lab at Stanford University is working on developing a new breed of biologically-inspired robots that will have the latest technology. They have already made a series of robots called the Sprawl family, hand-sized hexapedal robots…
BlueBotics is a Swiss company which specializes in autonomous navigation. They have developed Autonomous Navigation Technology which enables autonomous vehicle movement.
The Bristol robotics Laboratory is the largest academic center for multi-disciplinary robotics research in the UK. Their mission is to understand the engineering and social roles of robotics. They have accomplished many robotics projects, including the…
Founded by William Chalmers, the Chalmers University of Technology aims at becoming the most attractive universities in the world through internationally acclaimed research and education together with a professional innovation procedure.
Founded by Guomindang nationalist government in 1928, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) aims exploring and harnessing the natural sciences and high technology to benefit China and the world.
CMRE is an Italian research and experimentation facility, which conducts and organizes research & technology development. The organization aims at delivering field-tested and innovative Science & Technology solutions to address security and defense needs…
SAIL is the AI research lab at Stanford University. Their mission is to change how we perceive we understand the world. The lab is in the Gates Computer Science Department and is home to over 100 people and more than 30 robots. They have contributed to…
Delft Biorobotics Laboratory aims at developing safe, efficient and novel robotic systems with biology related applications and/or biologically inspired designs, such as robotic arms that can be used for rehabilitation and bipedal walking machines.
ETHZ’s Institute of Robotics has a long history of robotics achievements. The main lab is divided into many specialty labs, such as the Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL) and Agile & Dexterous Robotics Lab (ADRL), each with its own robotics projects. The ADRL,…
Groundbreaking robotics research is a regular part of work at the INL. The lab has an ongoing project of developing robots that have the ability to initiate sharing between human and robot, allowing the system to cope with changes in resources. The lab…
Established in 1954, the Inha University is a private school in South Korea and has a mission to build students’ characters, search for the truth, as well as serve the nation in order to represent the university’s principles of diligence, creativity and…
The ISL at the University of Maryland performs extensive robotics research. Their focus is to advance state-of-the-art design and real-time control of intelligent systems. Among the lab’s impressive list of projects is the robotic hand the Modular Dexterous…
Headquartered in Bedford, Mass, iRobot is a public corporation that aims at building and designing some of the most important robots in the world. The mission of the company is to change the world by delivering innovative robots that make a difference.
The ISA System Engineering and Automation Department is home to many achievements in the field of robotics, including a wheelchair robot and a mobile robot that can deliver objects. The lab engages in a wide range of areas in robotic research, including…
The Japan Robot Association (JARA) is a trade association, consisting of Japanese companies that manufacture and develop robot technology. It strives to promote the use of robotics in society and industry and participates in various promotional activities…
Austria's JKU Linz offers students 110 educational institutes, including the Institute for Robotics (ROBIN). This Institute is dedicated to looking at a better technology and robotics platform that can be beneficial not only for the school but also for…
Based in Bulgaria, KIBERTRON Ltd. is an innovation company that was registered on March 11th, 2004. The company aims at working for the success of the KIBERTRON Project. The Robotics project focuses on researching, designing and constructing an intelligent…
The Kitagawa-Tsukagoshi Lab at the Tokyo Institute of Technology focuses on the development of robots that can be utilized in dangerous environments for search and rescue missions. One of their current projects is a robot that can use a sensor that is…
Korea Tech has had a 100% graduate career placement for 13 straight years and is the number one university in the country. Their School of Mechanical Engineering established the KUT BioRobotics Laboratory. The lab’s mission is to create and develop science,…
The University of Florida’s MIL is home to the SubjuGator, an underwater unmanned vehicle and three-time AUVSI/ONR underwater contest champion. The lab’s primary focus is on such robotics issues as real-time computer vision, robotics kinematics and autonomous…
MARS is one of the leading UAV and UGV academic research facilities in the U.S. Its mission is to explore, research and bridge circuits, architecture, compiler, and software methods. They also focus on the multi-level learning in hybrid deliberative…
JPL, NASA’s lab for developing projects for space exploration, is a pioneer in robotics equipment suited for outer space. Along with the first U.S. satellite ever launched, the Explorer 1, JPL sent the first robotic craft to the moon and to the solar…
The College of Engineering at National Chiao Tung University conducts advanced robotics research in a wide variety of fields. The College made a name for itself and the University by creating a robot that won second place in an MIT competition. They also…
Being one of the best Japanese technical colleges, the The Nippon Engineering College’s Robotics and Mechanics Department provide students with a wide range of skills to develop, create and operate robots.
The P&I Lab in Japan is part of the Tokyo Institute of Technology's goal to use the latest technology developments, including robotics, to make important contributions in today’s society. The school strives to use a combination of various disciplines,…
UPenn’s Masters Program in Robotics is recognized as one of the top premier research centers in the country today. It provides students with an ideal foundation for artificial intelligence, computer vision, and the prototyping of robotic systems. Among…
The Politecnico di Torino is an engineering public university. The institution stands as the oldest technical university in Italy. It also has its own Robotics Center where researchers have developed a biped humanoid robot, known as the IsaacRobot.
Purdue’s RVL students carry out advanced research in sensory intelligence for the robots of tomorrow. The lab has made revolutionary contributions in 3D object recognition and vision- guided navigation for indoor mobile androids, among other areas. One…
Based in Kingston, Ontario, Queen's University is a well-known Canadian public research univer-sity. Students at the university have developed the FANUC F-200i Robot and addressed the fail-ure analysis of the DEXTER parallel manipulator.
ANU’s Robotic Systems Lab (RSL) performs research on mobile robot navigation and human-robot/computer interaction as well as other fields. The lab has worked on many projects together with other university labs. For its Autonomous Submersible Robot project,…
The Robotics and Intelligent Machines Lab at UC Berkeley is a leading academic lab in the field of medical robotics. One of its biggest projects is Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS). Lab researchers have created a way for an operation to be performed with…
The University of Delaware’s Robotics and Control focuses on designing, controlling and deploying robots in an effort to replace people in dangerous jobs and/or locations. The lab also does basic research in manipulation theory, which may someday allow…
The Laval University Robotics Laboratory pioneers research in the study of parallel mechanisms and articulated robotic hands. They have made numerous partnerships with other labs as well as government agencies, including the Canadian Space Agency. One…
The Sabanci University Robotics Research Laboratory Platform is part of the school's commitment to academic excellence and providing students with all the skills they need to succeed after graduation. The lab's recent work includes the SURALP humanoid…
Semnan University is an Iranian university that provides students hands-on experience and advanced learning facilities. It has continually researched on ways and means to improve not only its facilities and physical structures but also its teaching capabilities,…
Senshu University in Japan is one of the country’s most highly-developed academic institutions. The robotics lab in their Mechanical Engineering Department teaches students dynamics of machines and Mechatronics and Intelligent robotics among other subjects.…
CMU’s Sensor Based Planning Laboratory engages in research on robotics and sensor-based planning, among other fields. Researchers focus on equipping robots with probabilistic planner technology which, if successful, can extend current sensor capabilities.…
Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China is not only one of the country's oldest universities, it ranks 37th in Engineering education worldwide. To help students be competitive in robotics, the school opened a robotics lab in 1979. Here, in the Robotics…
The Shimojo Laboratory in Japan’s University of Electro-Communications studies a variety of robot systems. They focus on high speed tactile sensing technology, but also on slip sense, proximity sense and intelligent behavior. One of their projects, the…
The SSL at the University of Maryland was founded by MIT. The lab is home to a deep water tank that is the only one of its kind housed inside a university, and is utilized to simulate the microgravity environment of outer space. SSL focuses on space robotics…
Utsunomiya University’s Systems Dynamics Laboratory in Japan is actively involved in the research of autonomous systems like robots. Their work has been used by such companies as Toyota and Calsonic Kansei. Their robotics projects include work on equilibrium…
The Robotics Institute Manipulation Lab at CMU is a prominent academic robotics research lab. Focusing on the autonomous robotic manipulation problem, the Lab works on everything from robotic hands to the dynamics of robotic legged movement. Among their…
Being one of the most prestigious universities in Italy, the University of Genoa was founded in 1481. The university prides itself in providing the best technologies and research facilities in the country.
Founded in 1863, the University of Massachusetts Amherst is categorized as a Research University with very high research activity. UMass offers bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctoral degrees in 88 undergraduate and 72 graduate areas of study.
The University of Tehran is a public Iranian university that is considered to be the oldest modern university based on its socio-cultural and political history. Its Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory aims at supporting graduate students in…
The Uppsala University is Sweden’s oldest university and ranks among the best universities in Northern Europe. It has been known for providing its students with vital knowledge and important hands-on experience, especially in the field of robotics.
Yonsei University is the oldest private university in Korea. The medical college opened the Severance Robot and MIS Center in 2009. This center teachers surgeons the latest techniques in robotic surgery, and are introduced to new techniques that can improve…
One of China’s premiere universities, Zhejiang University was once nicknamed “the Oriental Cambridge.” To address the growing demand for robotics, it established the Institute of Cyber-systems and Control. So far 863 humanoid robots and systems have been…
The largest Arts University in Europe, Zurich University of the Arts, offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in a variety of fields. From design to dance, music to theater, this university provides students with leading-edge professional development…