The Dutch Robotics project LOPES was designed to help people who have had a stroke regain leg function and learn to walk again. The person walks on a treadmill the robot is attached to. Although there are still bugs to be worked out, LOPES has provided…
Based in the Netherlands, the University of Twente (UT) is a Dutch research university that focuses on technical development and its implications for individuals as well as society. UT is involved in two important robotics projects i.e. LOPES and ROBAR.
The game of ABU Robocon 2016 is designed in order to create the awareness of efficient energy consumption and clean and renewable energy utilization.
Japan’s Konan University offers five diverse faculties for both citizens and foreigners. The Faculty of Science and Engineering has a Department of Information Science and Systems Engineering, which works on a variety of robotics projects. One of these…
Moog is a company that is supplying motion control technology to improve performance in a wide variety of applications and markets, including commercial aircraft cockpits, the Formula One racing, medical infusion systems and power-generation turbines.
Being a leading Dutch hospital, the Sint Maartens clinic specializes in the treatment of diseases related to posture and movement. The clinic invests in the development of robotic equipment that can help in the rehabilitation of posture and movement disorders.
BigDog is a robot that is capable of walking across rubble, climbing hiking trails, walking in water and snow as well as carrying loads of up to 340 lbs. BigDog can run as fast as 4 mph and climb slopes up to thirty-five degrees.
Honda developed a bipedal prototype called E6. This humanoid can climb stairs up and down with autonomous balancing, and can walk over obstacles instead of avoiding them.
The FastRunner robot was developed by IHMC and patterned after an ostrich. It is capable of moving 27 MPH and has self-stabilizing legs equipped with single motors. IHMC hopes to use the FastRunner robot in fire rescues and natural calamities.
Mowing steep lawns is safe thanks to the Hybrid GOAT robot. It can handle lawns with up to 70 degrees of slope while you operate the robot from up to 2000 feet away.
Developed by Boston Dynamics, RHex is known for its high mobility. The six-legged robot can not only climb in rock fields, sand, mud, railroad tracks, vegetation and telephone poles but it is also capable of climbing up stairways and slopes.
Developed by Boston Dynamics, RiSE is a climbing robot that is capable of climbing vertical terrain like trees, walls as well as fences.