Deam specializes in handheld, steerable laparoscopic instruments. Deam has developed and patented steering technology for instruments with unlimited DOF and is involved in the PITON project.
Delta Line SA are a pan European (Italy,France, UK,Norway,Sweden,Finland,Germany), manufacturer and supplier of motion solutions sub 800w,. technologies include:Portescap- DC / BLDC Motors / Fulling-
The largest of ESA's research sites in Europe and abroad is the European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Almost all equipment that ESA launches is tested to some extent at ESTEC. While ESTEC is used extensively…
ETHZ’s Institute of Robotics has a long history of robotics achievements. The main lab is divided into many specialty labs, such as the Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL) and Agile & Dexterous Robotics Lab (ADRL), each with its own robotics projects. The ADRL,…
The ISL at the University of Maryland performs extensive robotics research. Their focus is to advance state-of-the-art design and real-time control of intelligent systems. Among the lab’s impressive list of projects is the robotic hand the Modular Dexterous…
Technobis is a company that assists other companies in completing difficult technological projects. From solar cell and medical solutions to life science solutions, Technobis is always there to help companies get the best fix for their technology problems.
TNO serves as the Dutch organization for applied science research. Science and Industry is a division of TNO, which is involved in Project Piton. The project is working on the development of a steerable robotic needle.
Toyama Laboratory in Japan researches such projects as ultrasonic motors. Besides being a part of the 2009 International Robot Exhibition, the lab is working on such advanced robotics projects as a power assist suit, which utilizes their ultrasonic motor…
The Technical University Eindhoven, or TUE is a research university that specializes in engineering science and technology. The TUE has a separate research institute for robotics which focuses on the cooperation between humans and robots.
The Uppsala University is Sweden’s oldest university and ranks among the best universities in Northern Europe. It has been known for providing its students with vital knowledge and important hands-on experience, especially in the field of robotics.
Working with well-known multinational companies, such as Siemens and Philips, Xivent Medical is a highly specialized development company that focuses on creating inventive clinical systems for minimally invasive interventions in oncology.
The University of Twente was involved in the Dutch Robotics project MIRIAM. This robot assists with MRI scans, allowing for more detailed biopsies for prostate cancer. Using this technology in surgery lets the surgeon make difficult/delicate movements…
The PITON is the first steerable MRI compatible robotics instrument. This Dutch robotics project is a needle that is equipped with sensors that will pick up signals for the surrounding tissue. This will enable the robot to find the best way to administer…
Launched in November 2013, Delfi-n3Xt is a small satellite that aims at facilitating practical education, nanosatellite innovation as well as technology demonstration. The main objective of Delfi-n3Xt is to support and strengthen the goals of the Delfi…
Robo Garage created a realistic-looking humanoid robot called Neon. This robot was part of the Robodex 2003 during the "astroboy" birth celebration. It has electromagnets in its foot to create its walking motion. Neon was created to limit the inequality…
Palette is often called the super model robot. She is displayed in store windows to help increase sales. Palette has voice command recognition and can copy fashion models with motion-capture technology. she can detect human movements and move her body…
Polaris robot charges mobile phones while removing data from them for interacting with users. Then it interacts through a TV, giving advice and making helpful comments.
SILO6 is a six-legged robot that can search for and detect land mines. It was created to be a research platform for robotic research and improving the speed of walking robots. The mine locator subsystem is composed of a magnetic compass and GPS and Wi-Fi…
Designed and built at the Delft Biped Laboratory, Stappo was developed as their first walking robot. Armed with two legs, Stappo functions on two magnets. The robot is capable of walking on flat as well as horizontal surfaces.