About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • 3TU

    Being the cooperation between the three technological universities of the Netherlands; Delft, Eindhoven and Twente, 3TU aims at contributing to the wellbeing in the Netherlands by improving, bundling and maximizing the creativity and knowledge in the…

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  • FOM (Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie)

    The FOM (Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter) promotes fundamental research in the field of physics. The goal of the foundation is to improve knowledge between different institutions, create a national network, and participate in international…

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  • ICTRegie

    ICTRegie was a temporary controlling agency for ICT research and innovation that was cancelled in 2011. ICTRegie worked on projects like IMDI together with its partners, including the NOW, the STW, and the Agentschap NL.

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  • Snoek Advies

    Snoek Advies is a Dutch company that has a goal of providing solutions to medical problems. The company believes in developing new technologies, products or services to provide the right medical services at affordable costs.

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  • STW

    STW aims at supporting technical sciences through scientific and technical research. A major goal of the foundation is to transfer knowledge between science and engineering users. STW is also investing in the medical field while participating in projects…

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  • VSNU (Organisation of Dutch Universities)

    VSNU serves as the Association of Universities, which is constituted of fourteen Dutch universities. Together with other Dutch organizations, VSNU is involved in the IMDI project, which aims at contributing to the health of general public.

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