About robots, robot development
and those who make it happen
  • IoT Asia 2017

    As the first dedicated platform in Asia to address the enormous potential of the IoT revolution, the first edition of IoT Asia in 2014 was ahead of its competition. It was seen as a transformational

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  • RoboBusiness Europe

    RoboBusiness Europe 2014 provides a platform to meet and share ideas on how to close the gap between robotics development and the actual needs of the end-users and learn about how to market robotics.

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  • RoboBusiness Europe 2015

    RoboBusiness Europe is a unique and most important event specifically directed at the EU robotics marketplace covering all the most vibrant sectors of the robotics industry.

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  • Cogas

    Cogas is involved in the development of multiple products and services related to the energy industry. They construct and maintain the gas and electricity networks in the Netherlands, and are involved in the Pirate project.

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  • HMPS

    HMPS is an Australian company that specialises in the design, development and manufacturing of high quality machinery for packaging processes.

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